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Toiora Whānau has a range of health and social supports available to whānau. All our services are voluntary and embraces a Whānau Ora approach that sees whānau in the driver’s seat and leading the way towards positive outcomes for their whānau

Whānau Ora: Whānau Ora is embedded in a Te Ao Māori, whānau-centred holistic approach to wellbeing; focusing on the whole whānau (family group), as the decision-makers who determine their goals and aspirations.


Our team builds on the strengths and capabilities of whānau, wrapping services and support around them to achieve outcomes and create positive changes. Our team will walk alongside whānau to navigate pathways in areas such as health, education, housing, employment, improved standards of living and cultural connections.


Whānau Ora also offer a range of rangatahi, pahake and kaumatua activities/programmes; adding to whānau kete through positive experiences, transferrable life skills, connection to Te Ao Māori, embracing and working with whānau towards reaching their full potential.

Whakapakari Ora: Whānau Resilience - Creating strong, resilient communities where whānau are supported to live violence free, creating a safer future for the next generations. Our kaimahi supports whānau through finding strategies to maintain safety and wellbeing while healing from experienced trauma.

Mana Rangatahi: Iwi Youth Justice Coordinator - supporting rangatahi and their whānau through the Youth Justice – Oranga Tamariki/Youth Justice system.

Whakawhanake: Improving Homes – Identifying and supporting whānau in need of housing repairs that will see an immediate positive impact on their health conditions. Our kaimahi will complete a health assessment in partnership with our local builders, Ryan Constructions, for a building assessment. These assessments and housing repairs are then prioritised based on the level of risks to whānau health and wellbeing.


Kāinga Whānau Ora: Kāinga Whanau Ora is an initiative led by Te Tihi O Ruahine in Palmerston North who have extended this opportunity to Te Oranganui. The focus is on working alongside whānau living in Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing NZ) homes. Kāinga Whānau Ora supports whānau dreams & aspirations by bringing together key agencies because we know that we can achieve better outcomes when we work together. Sometimes systems get in the way of whānau achieving their goals, we aim to stop creating ‘work arounds’ and create systems that work for whānau.



Whānau Direct: The Whānau Direct application requires whānau to describe their whānau situation and their desired goals. The consider the barriers and what prevents them from attaining their goals. Together with their kaimahi, they look at how these barriers can be removed and whether any resource through a Whānau Direct investment can have an immediate positive change that helps them get to their goals and aspirations. When applying for this grant, whānau need to be aware that:


  • No cash is involved in this process

  • This is a grant application process not an entitlement

  • Whānau must have a plan with identified goals they are working towards

Connector Support

If you've been impacted by COVID or would like to be supported to navigate health and social services our connectors are prepared to support you:

  • Financial Support for those impacted by COVID

  • Support to navigate health and social services

  • Rangatahi focused activations

  • Direct connection to MSD Services

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Access to services can be made by phoning

06 349 0007 or by completing the online form below.

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